Your City Hall

Alternative Approval Process 

About the Alternative Approval Process

Under the Community Charter, local governments such as the District of Summerland may use an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to directly engage citizens about a proposed bylaw or other matter requiring elector approval. An AAP can be used for various initiatives to undertake long-term borrowing, a boundary extension, to establish a new regional district service, or other matter requiring approval of the electorate.  

How an AAP Works 

A staff report is provided to Council that describes the plan for conducting the AAP. It includes key information about the proposed elector approval process to ensure elected officials fully understand the implications of using an AAP to obtain approval. The report also provides staff with an opportunity to plan the process to conduct the potential AAP.

Elector response forms are made available at Municipal Hall and on the District's website (see below). Signed forms received after the deadline has passed cannot be counted. If 10 per cent or more of the total number of eligible electors sign and submit response forms, local governments cannot proceed with the proposed matter without first holding an assent vote (i.e. referendum).

Alternative Approval Process Listings

1. Alternative Approval Process: Victoria Road South Upgrades

Elector Response Form - Loan Authorization (Victoria Road South Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-035

At the November 5, 2024 Regular Council meeting, Council gave first three readings to Loan Authorization (Victoria Road South Upgrades) Bylaw 2024-035. The purpose of the bylaw is to borrow an amount not to exceed two million, six hundred ninety-three thousand, four hundred seventy dollars ($2,693,470.00) to finance the cost of the Victoria Road South Upgrades that will be repaid over a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years.

Loan Authorization (Victoria Road South Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-035

The components of the Victoria Road South project include: 

The full construction project includes road reconstruction of approximately 600m of road between Dunham Crescent and Prairie Valley Road along Victoria Road South and 150m of road between Victoria Road and Walton Street along Dale Meadows Road. The construction will include two full travel lanes and a 3m wide separated multi-use pathway along Victoria Road. Underground infrastructure upgrades include the installation of a watermain and associated service upgrades along Dale Meadows Road, as well as water service upgrades along Victoria Road.

The estimated overall cost of road reconstruction, drainage infrastructure and a multi-use pathway portion of the project is $3,850,000. There are components within this project that cross into different funds. The watermain replacement has been budgeted at $1,850,00 with the remaining costs being sourced from general fund accounts. A grant will assist with funding $500,000 of the multi-use pathway. In total, $2,693,274.00 needs to be funded through debt borrowing in order to complete the project (this portion of the project is subject to an AAP). All funding sources are outlined in the table below:

Approved Budget

General Fund


Water Utilities Fund




Budgeted Funding

Funding Sources

1. Water Utilities Fund:



2. General Fund:



Grant Funding


Parking Reserve


Growing Communities Fund





Until the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) goes to market, the actual interest rate can only be estimated. As such, the interest rate used in estimating annual loan repayments was 4.35% (based on MFA’s 20-year indicative rate as of October 2, 2024).

The estimated cost to users will be approximately $25.20 per year.


AAP Schedule 

The following schedule is proposed for the conduct of this Alternative Approval Process:

  • Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Publication of First Notice in a newspaper
  • Thursday, January 23, 2025 - Publication of Second Notice in a newspaper
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Deadline for submitting Elector Response form
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - Corporate Officer report results of Alternative Approval Process at a Special Meeting

The AAP for Loan Authorization (Victoria Road Upgrades) Bylaw 2024-035 will begin on January 16, 2025. Council may proceed with the adoption of Bylaw 2024-035 unless by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at least 10% of the electors submit a signed Elector Response Form for Bylaw 2024-035 indicating that Council must obtain assent of the electors by a referendum vote before proceeding with the adoption of Bylaw 2024-035.

For the purpose of the Alternative Approval Process, Council has determined there are 10,029 electors in the District of Summerland. The municipal Council may therefore proceed with the adoption of Bylaw 2024-035 on an individual basis unless at least 1,002 electors (10%) submit a completed copy of an Elector Response Form for the proposed Bylaw to the District of Summerland before the deadline of 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

2. Alternative Approval Process: Wharton Street Upgrades

Elector Response Form – Loan Authorization (Wharton Street Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-036

At the November 5, 2024 Regular Council meeting, Council gave first three readings to Loan Authorization (Wharton Street Upgrades) Bylaw 2024-036. The purpose of the bylaw is to borrow an amount not to exceed the sum of three million, three hundred sixty-five thousand, eighty dollars ($3,365,080.00) to be repaid over a period not exceeding twenty-five (25) years.

Loan Authorization (Wharton Street Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-036

The components of the Wharton Street Upgrades project include: 

The Wharton Street Upgrade construction project includes road reconstruction of approximately 200m of road between Kelly Avenue and Victoria Road along Wharton Street. The construction will include two full travel lanes, sidewalk installation, stormwater upgrades and park enhancements along Wharton Street.  Park enhancements include relocating the cenotaph, landscaping improvements and creation of a public gathering area along Henry Avenue between Main Street and Wharton Street. The project will also include pedestrian safety improvements at the intersection of Main Street and Victoria Road.

 The project intends to borrow up to $3,365,080.00 over a period of 25 years to finance upgrades to Wharton Street, including road reconstruction, storm water improvements, pedestrian connectivity and park enhancements between Kelly Avenue and Victoria Road. The total financial impact to the average household would be $40.26 annually and would be recovered through property tax increase of 2.26% starting in 2026.


AAP Schedule 

The following schedule is proposed for the conduct of this Alternative Approval Process:

  • Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Publication of First Notice in a newspaper
  • Thursday, January 23, 2025 - Publication of Second Notice in a newspaper
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Deadline for submitting Elector Response form
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - Corporate Officer report results of Alternative Approval Process at the Regular Council Meeting

The AAP for Loan Authorization (Wharton Street Upgrades) Bylaw 2024-036 will begin on January 16, 2025. Council may proceed with the adoption of Bylaw 2024-036 unless by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at least 10% of the electors submit a signed Elector Response Form for Bylaw 2024-036 indicating that Council must obtain assent of the electors by a referendum vote before proceeding with the adoption of Bylaw 2024-036.

For the purpose of the Alternative Approval Process, Council has determined there are 10,029 electors in the District of Summerland. The municipal Council may therefore proceed with the adoption of Bylaw 2024-036 on an individual basis unless at least 1,002 electors (10%) submit a completed copy of an Elector Response Form for the proposed Bylaw to the District of Summerland before the deadline of 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

If you are in favour of the long-term borrowing to finance both projects, you do not need to submit any forms or comments.


Applicable Area & Elector Eligibility 

Applicable Area

To participate in the Alternative Approval Process, the Elector must be located in the applicable area and meet the criteria to sign an Elector Response Form as a resident elector or non-resident property elector. 

The Alternative Approval Process applies to the entire area of the District of Summerland.

Resident Electors 

To sign an Elector Response Form as a resident elector, a person must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be a Canadian citizen;
  • Be at least 18 years of age or older on Publication of First Notice, January 16, 2025;
  • A resident of British Columbia for at least the last six (6) months immediately before the Publication of First Notice, January 16, 2025;
  • A resident of the District of Summerland on the day of the Publication of First Notice, January 16, 2025;
  • Not be otherwise disqualified from voting by the Local Government Act or by other law.

Non-resident Property Electors 

To sign an Elector Response Form as a non-resident property elector, a person must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be a Canadian citizen;
  • Be at least 18 years of age or older on Publication of First Notice, January 16, 2025;
  • A resident of British Columbia for at least the last six (6) months immediately before the Publication of First Notice, January 16, 2025;
  • Have been a registered owner of property within the District of Summerland for at least the last 30 days immediately before the Publication of First Notice, January 16, 2025;
  • Not be otherwise disqualified from voting by the Local Government Act or by other law.

Note: If a property is owned by more than one Non-Resident Property Elector, only one of them may sign an Elector Response Form. If a property is owned by more than one Non-Resident Property Elector, then the person signing the Elector Response Form declares that they have received the written consent of the majority of the property owners to sign and submit an Elector Response Form.

A person may not sign more than one Elector Response Form in relation to the Bylaw.


Elector Response Forms

For the Bylaw, the Elector Response Form must be in the form approved by Council of the District of Summerland.

Elector Response Forms will be made available as follows:

Elector Response Form - Loan Authorization (Victoria Road South Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-035

Elector Response Form – Loan Authorization (Wharton Street Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-036


Visit Municipal Hall (located at Henry Avenue, Summerland, BC), between the hours of 8:15 AM and 5:00 PM, Tuesday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. If you are opposed to the District using long-term borrowing to finance the Victoria Road South upgrades OR Wharton Street Upgrades, you may submit an Elector Response form to indicate your opposition. 

If you are in favour of the long-term borrowing to finance both projects, you do not need to submit any forms or comments.

The deadline for submitting an Elector Response Form to the District of Summerland is 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

Electors may submit a completed Elector Response Form through one of the following methods:

  • Mail or in-person:

Attention: Director of Corporate Services
District of Summerland
13211 Henry Avenue 
Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0

Note: If submitting an Elector Response Form by facsimile (fax) or by email, please ensure that the transmission was completed. In order for elector response forms to be considered, all two (2) pages of the form package must be submitted

Additional Information 

The following documents provide more detailed information on the above bylaws:

Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2024-035:
October 15, 2024 – Committee of the Whole - Victoria Road South AAP Financing Options
October 15, 2024 – Committee of the Whole - Victoria Design Overview Page 1
October 15, 2024 – Committee of the Whole - Victoria Design Overview Page 2
November 5, 2024 Report To Council
Loan Authorization Bylaw (Victoria Road South Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-035
Newspaper Notice
Province of BC - Alternative Approval Process for Local Government
Victoria Road South AAP Information Sheet

Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2024-036:
October 15, 2024 - Committee of the Whole - Wharton Street Upgrades AAP Financing Options
Wharton Street Upgrades Construction Impacts and Communications Memo
Wharton Street Upgrades Construction Primer – What to Expect
Background Presentation Slides
2025-01-10 Updated Presentation Plan
2025-01-09 Wharton Street - Context Map
November 5, 2024 Report to Council
Loan Authorization Bylaw (Wharton Street Upgrades) Bylaw No. 2024-036
Newspaper Notice
Province of BC - Alternative Approval Process for Local Government
Wharton Street Upgrades AAP Information Sheet
Wharton Street Revitalization Website

Printed copies of these documents are available at Municipal Hall, Tuesday to Friday, between the hours of 8:15 AM and 5:00 PM, excluding statutory holidays.

For more information, please contact:
Director of Corporate Services 


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