Parks & Recreation

District of Summerland Parks and Recreation Master Plan

At the June 25, 2018 Council meeting, Council formally adopted the District of Summerland Parks & Recreation Master Plan.

View the full plan: 2018 Final Parks Recreation Master Plan (4MB) PDF

The District of Summerland is proud to support and facilitate the active, healthy lifestyle of its residents and visitors through a wide variety of outdoor and indoor spaces, an assortment of recreational programs and high-quality special events. Like many municipalities, the District of Summerland faces the challenges of aging infrastructure, increased operational costs, and shifting demographics.

The District has engaged Lees & Associates to prepare a new Master Plan that will assist council and staff in making informed decisions on the future direction of recreation facilities, parks and open space for the community. This webpage will provide information on the Master Plan and the process to develop it, as well as on opportunities for residents and visitors to participate. Please check back regularly for updates.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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