City Services

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Week is May 5 to 11 in 2024 and is a great time to learn about getting prepared for emergencies. To learn more, click here.

Emergency Preparedness begins at home. Plan now to have items put aside in a safe place so that if an emergency happened you and your family could be self-sufficient for 72 hours.

These useful links will help you to be FireSmart

Climate Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability

On October 17th Council formally adopted a revised Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability (HRVA) assessment with a Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA). The revised HRVA includes a Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) to better understand the impacts of climate change on the identified and assessed hazards found within the HRVA. 

The purpose of the document is to identify the hazards that currently affect the District and determine the impacts they may have should they occur. In addition to ensuring compliance with current Provincial Emergency Management Legislation and Regulations since the document was last developed (2006). The development of this document was in part financially supported through a $25,000 grant from the Union of BC Municipalities. 

The HRVA/CCRA can be reviewed below: 


A high level overview of the document can be reviewed below: 

3. ppt_summerland_council

Conducting a HRVA-CCRA supports the District in prioritizing potential problems (natural or human induced) or risks by assessing the probability of a hazard occurring and estimating what consequences may occur should the hazard interact with the assets or systems of concern. Prioritization can take place when actions are created for future strategic plans, policies, or other guiding documents. The revised HRVA-CCRA will be used to inform a future climate action plan, which is identified as an action item in Council’s Strategic Priorities for 2022-2026.



Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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