Your City Hall

Agendas & Minutes of Council Meetings

The District of Summerland offers a portal for viewing the Council meeting schedule, agendas and minutes, and viewing video recordings of all open meetings, all from one place

Click here to view agendas and minutes.

All regular meetings of Council are live-streamed to the District of Summerland YouTube channel, recorded, and made available online within one day following the meeting.

Email Notifications

If you would like to receive Council meeting agendas by email, please email and confirm your request and your name.

Correspondence to Council

If you would like to submit a letter or other piece of correspondence to Council, whether delivered by hand to Municipal Hall or sent electronically, it will be circulated based on Policy No. 100.19 Circulation of Council Correspondence

Please Note: Correspondence sent to Mayor and Council may be included in a council agenda and become part of the public record.  Before sending correspondence to Mayor and Council, please read these details.

Public comment during a meeting?

Council provides a Public Comment Opportunity at the beginning of each agenda for members of the public who wish to speak to any of the items on the agenda.

Depending on the nature of the agenda item, other opportunities to address Council may apply.  All items that provide an opportunity for the public to comment will be noted on the agenda.  

If you wish to speak electronically during a meeting of Council, please register to speak in advance of the meeting by emailing  Should you wish to comment during a meeting that has already started, please view the meeting agenda for details regarding participation.  


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