Your City Hall

Board of Variance

The Board of Variance is comprised of three members of the community, appointed by Council. The Board considers appeals from property owners who request a minor variance of a bylaw respecting the siting, dimensions or size of a building. The Board can only consider the appeal if they believe the enforcement of the bylaw requirements is causing hardship and the Board can only grant what they consider to be a minor variance. The Board also has other areas of jurisdiction as established in the Local Government Act and the Community Charter. Applications to appeal to the Board of Variance are made at the Development Services Department and the applicant must include the prescribed fee with their appeal. The Administration office will contact the Board members to set up the meeting date for the appeal. Adjacent property owners and residents will be advised of the appeal and are entitled to attend the meeting and address the Board along with the applicant. For further information on the Board of Variance, contact the Administration office.



Terms of Reference

Committee-Commission Application - Fillable


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