City Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Fire Department conduct public tours?

  • Yes we do tours for all types of groups. Preschoolers, public officials, schools, community groups, etc... just give us a call to arrange it.

Is the Fire Department accepting applications and what are the qualifications necessary to get hired?

  • Yes we always accept applications
  • Minimum age is 19 years
  • Must reside within the District of Summerland
  • Must be physically fit to perform firefighting related duties
  • Must pass a written aptitude test and physical evaluation test prior to being accepted
  • Must agree to an RCMP criminal record check
  • Have a clean drivers abstract

Can I have a campfire in my backyard?

  • Yes, campfires are permitted, however they must be in accordance with the municipal regulations.  Only dry seasoned fire wood is permitted to be used for a campfire.

Can you come and get the cat out of our tree?

  • No, the Fire Department doesn't provide that service, however you can call a local tree service company and for a fee they will come and rescue the cat.

When does open burning start and finish during the year, and do I need a permit?

  • All open burning requires a permit. Open burning season starts October 15th and finishes on April 15th of each year. However, there are property size restrictions and several other regulations that must be strictly adhered too. Please contact us directly to obtain more information and or to obtain a burning permit.

Can I have someone from the Fire Department assess my home for exterior fire hazards?

  • Yes, if you live near a forested area and would like the Fire Department to do an exterior home fire hazard assessment, we would be happy to point out areas of concern and how to reduce your risks of a fire reaching your home.

Do you provide fire protection services to properties governed by the Regional District Okanagan Similkameen?

  • No, fire protection services are only provided within the Municipality of the District of Summerland's boundaries.


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