Business & Economy

Business Licencing

Anyone doing business in Summerland for gain or profit should have a Summerland Business Licence. You will need to complete an application form giving us details of your business. Before the licence is granted, we may need approval from the Development Services Department (depending on if you are doing renovations and also to check zoning and other regulations), Fire Department approval, and possibly Interior Health approval. If you are dealing with food or health issues, it is a good idea to call Interior Health in advance to see what guidelines they have for you to follow. Rates are determined based on the type of business you are doing and are payable before the licence is issued. Licences are valid until December 31st of the year you purchase it. Renewals are sent out at the end of each year and due in January.

Fees and Charges Bylaw - Please see Schedule F
Business Licence Application Form
Short Term Rental Business Licence Application 
Agri-Tourism Business License Application

If you will be doing business or performing a service in other cities, you may be eligible to also purchase an Inter-Community Business Licence. You must first have a regular Business Licence and for an additional $150.00 you can also do work in other participating municipalities. You can apply for this at the same time you fill out the Business Licence Application (it is the same form) or you can apply for it at a later date.

You can pick up an applications at the reception desk at Municipal Hall. If you have any questions, please call 250-494-6451.

Short Term Rentals

A business licence is required to operate and advertise a short term rental in Summerland. There are several zoning and licensing requirements that need to be checked off before a licence can be issued.

Step-by-Step Guide
We recommend that you use the step-by-step guide to help navigate these requirements (see link below).

Short Term Rental Guide

Application Form
Once you have confirmed your eligibility to operate a short term rental under the zoning regulations, the next step is to submit a short term rental application. This application form includes a checklist outlining all of the required documentation and required declarations. There are also examples of floor plans, parking plans, and emergency plans.

Short Term Rental Business Licence Application 

Health & Safety Inspection
An inspection is required to obtain a business licence. We will contact you to arrange an inspection time once your application has been reviewed for zoning compliance. We highly recommend that you conduct a self-check of the items included in the Health & Safety Checklist when preparing your application materials.

Health and Safety Checklist

Business Licence Renewals

Business Licence renewal notices are mailed mid December and due January 31.

Please advise us if you do not receive your business licence(s) or if you no longer require a business licence and we will update our records accordingly.   

Due Date & Penalty Information

Business licence renewals are due on January 31 of each year.

A 10% penalty will be added to all outstanding accounts on February 1st.

A further 10% penalty will be added to all outstanding accounts on March 1st.

How To Pay 

Paying in person at Municipal Hall

Please provide the Cashier at Municipal Hall with your invoice and payment.  After full payment has been received you will be provided with a copy of your official Business Licence to be displayed at your business accordingly.

We accept cheque, cash, post-dated cheques, or debit payments

Credit cards are now accepted on a user pay basis through  

Mail or Courier

Please send the bottom portion of your invoice with a cheque to 13211 Henry Ave, Summerland BC V0H1Z0.  After full payment has been received you will be provided with a copy of your official Business Licence to be displayed at your business accordingly.

Make a payment Online by Credit Card

The District of Summerland is now accepting online payments with select credit cards (Visa and Mastercard through the secure OptionPay System (with third party fees).  Note that all processing fees are charges by OptionPay and are not received by the municipality.  Please allow 3 - 5 business days for processing.

     Click here to  PAY BY CREDIT CARD . 

     View the OptionPay Tiered Rate Table

Payments Currently Accepted through the OptionPay for the following:

 -  Utilities
 -  Property Taxes
 -  Accounts Receivables (Invoices)
 -  Tickets/Fines
 -  Licences (Business/Pet Licences)
 -  Permits (Building/Electrical)

Please call our office at 250-494-6451 if you have any questions or concerns.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

Contact us:

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