Parks & Recreation

Giant's Head Mountain Trails Re-Development Plan

The first two phases of this project has been completed thanks to the support of the Summerland Rotary Club, the British Columbia Rural Dividend Fund and the District of Summerland Gas Tax Community Works Funding.  The project goal is to build a trail infrastructure system which meets both recreational and environmental needs.  The project included trail improvements, trail decommissioning for erosion control and to restore environmental areas, a new multi-use trail on the east side of the mountain, improved guard rails and park entrance improvements.

Visit the mountain in the heart of Summerland and enjoy the park trails and spectacular views.

Click Giants Head Mountain Park Trail Map 2019 (675KB PDF) for trails map…
Click Giants Head Trail and Sign Location Map (7MB PDF) for a satellite view...

Phases 3 & 4

The Government of Canada announced the results of the ICIP (Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program) funded projects on April 12, 2022.  Summerland’s Giant’s Head Mountain Trails Project Phases 3&4 was one of 57 projects supported across British Columbia. The District of Summerland will receive $673,113 from the Federal Government and $560,871 from the Provincial Government through the ICIP program. The District’s share of $448,798 is funded through the Community Works Gas Tax reserve.  The total approved project budget is $1,682,782.

The project scope of work for phases 3 & 4 includes:

  • upper circulation road paving and connecting pedestrian trails
  • upgrade existing upper parking lot washroom
  • upper parking area upgrades and furnishings
  • park entrance washroom and servicing (lower parking lot)
  • Grind route from upper parking lot to top of mountain (design work and construction)
  • some enhanced work (crib steps) on steeper sections of the Grind trail
  • more split rail fencing and other recommended measures to keep people on dedicated trails – plus design work
  • remedial planting and invasive weed management
  • Indigenous interpretive signage`              
  • brush removal and fire hazard remediation work
  • wayfinding improvements for bikes
  • additional signage
  • park road improvements
  • consulting fees for design work, tender document preparation and construction management

Once the District of Summerland has completed the requirements around First Nations consultation, staff will be proceeding with some of the initial works later this year (2022) which includes a wildfire assessment, snake hibernaculum assessment and an invasive species management plan.

Detailed design work and tender documents will be completed in 2023 with construction to follow.  The project completion deadline is December 31, 2026; however it is anticipated that full project will be completed in 2025.

The 2018 Trails Re-Development Final Plan is available for downloading (see below). 

 Please note some of the highlights of the Plan:

  • Reconfigure the trail network, as follows:
    • repair and prevent future erosion by installing crib steps and timber stairs on steepest trails
    • create ‘The Grind,’ a hallmark hiking trail
    • designate a multi-use trail for both hikers and  mountain bikers on the east side of the mountain (note East Ridge trail is for advanced mountain bike riders and to go up the mountain only- bikers are to use the road to come down)
  • Improve parking areas, main entry, and viewpoint access
  • Provide kiosks at Milne Rd. and upper parking areas with trailhead and park information
  • Upgrade amenities throughout the park, including benches, wayfinding and educational signage, and safety guardrails

18-06-07 GHM Trails Re-Development Plan FINAL (22 MB PDF)

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Lori Mullin, Director of Community Services at or 250.494.0447.


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