City Services

Distributed Generation (Net Metering)

The Distributed Generation Program was discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 2, 2024 and the following resolution was passed:

"THAT the application intake be temporarily suspended on the Distributed Generation Program to allow Staff to report back on revenue neutral solar power opportunities for the program for Council consideration and include a review of:

- a potential electrical base rate adjustment;
- processing fee for solar customers;
- grandfathering considerations for existing solar customers;
- removing the surplus energy rate payback;
- allowing electrical services above 200 amps;
- potential expansion to non-residential customers;
- interplay with other programs, including potential PACE financing, to offset installation costs; and
- the Alberta Solar Program in comparison to the District of Summerland."

*Prospective applicants for Distributed Energy: This strategy is currently under review as part of Council Strategic Priorities (2022-2026) to build an adaptable and affordable community. Please be aware that the review could result in changes in both the format of the program and the rate calculations. 

Through our Distributed Generation Program, the District of Summerland allows residential customers with small (30kW or less), inverter–based, distributed generation systems that utilize a low carbon or renewable energy source such as solar or wind, to be connected to the Summerland Distribution System (Summerland’s electric grid).

The Distributed Generation Program allows Summerland electrical utility residential customers to “net‑meter.” This means residential customers who participate in the program are able to completely offset their own electricity needs each calendar year, after which the District of Summerland will purchase any excess energy that is put back onto the grid at the wholesale rate.

Customers who are considering adding solar to their property may find the following informational documents helpful:

Program Forms

 Links to the Program Overview and required forms are provided below:


Completed forms can be dropped off in person to the Development Services counter at Municipal Hall or email

Related Bylaws

While the District of Summerland does not require residents to acquire a building permit to install a distributed generation system, you must ensure that your system complies with the District’s Zoning Bylaw, which can be found by clicking here.

Customers participating in the Distributed Generation Program may be eligible for credits for the energy they produce, as per the District’s Fees and Charges Bylaw, which can be found by clicking here.



For more information on The District of Summerland’s Distributed Generation Program, contact:

Utilities Department, Electrical Utility Division

Phone:  250 494-0431    Fax: 250 494-3399

Email: works&



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