Your City Hall

Climate Action

Summerland's Community Energy & Emissions Reduction Plan was finalized in February 2020 as was the Corporate Energy & Emissions Management Plan in March 2021, following consultation with key stakeholders, staff, community members, Council, and Simon Fraser University's Adaptation to Climate Change Team. Thank you to all who participated, to the Community Energy Association for their assistance in developing the plans, and to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and FortisBC for their funding support. 

Join the Climate Action Mailing List

If you would like to be added to the Climate Action Mailing list, please send an email to the contact below.

Contact us at 250-404-4068 or

Get Involved

The Community Climate Action Advisory Committee (CCAC) meets once a month and is comprised of Summerland residents, the Manager of Planning and Sustainability, and one Council member. The role of the committee is to provide a local perspective and advice to Council with respect to achieving community-wide emission reduction targets, and other climate related objectives. More information can be found here.

If you would like to join the committee a yearly call-out for new member(s) occurs in March with a one or two-year term commitment. Advertising of positions usually occurs in the monthly Newsletters, and on our Facebook page.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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