Your City Hall

RDOS Properate

The District of Summerland, through the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS), has partnered with Properate to help homeowners take action on home energy efficiency. In the region 26,000 homes have been mapped for efficiency to assist with this pilot project.

Whether you’re interested in reducing your home’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or lowering your energy bill, RDOS is a tool that can help you find a start to your project, connect to relevant contractors and guide you through available incentives and rebates.

Please check out the planning page for more details and instructions on use of the home energy assessment program. 

Home energy efficiency retrofits reduce your energy bills and provide a more comfortable home year round.
Try the CleanBC Better Homes* Rebate Search Tool to check out the variety of available rebates, including home heating, water heating, building envelope (insulation, windows and doors), bonus offers for two or more upgrades, and municipal top ups.

Visit the CleanBC Better Homes for more details. There is also a free Energy Coach Service available through email or phone if you have questions about specific rebate programs, home energy upgrade options, EnerGuide home evaluations, or if you just don’t know where to start. Contact the free Energy Coach Service at or 1-844-881-9790.

Consider hiring a professional energy advisor to undertake a detailed energy assessment for your home. The energy assessment will rate the efficiency of your home and provide recommendations for retrofits based on their effectiveness for improving your home energy efficiency, reducing your home greenhouse gas footprint and enhancing your home comfort. Use the Energy Advisor Search Tool to locate a local energy advisor or service organization that provides services in your community.

*CleanBC Better Homes is funded by the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada under the Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund. CleanBC Better Homes rebates are administered by BC Hydro, FortisBC and BC Housing.

Heat Pump Rebate
If you currently use a heat pump that uses natural gas, propane or oil, you may be eligible to replace your heat pump and receive a provincial rebate. 

In colder parts of British Columbia, such as Summerland, cold climate heat pumps are recommended. Cold climate heat pumps are built to work efficiently in conditions down to -25 degrees Celsius, with some systems maintaining an efficiency of over 200% at -18 degrees Celsius.  Cold climate heat pumps have been tested in Canadian winters since the early 2010s. For more information visit CleanBC

If you missed the March 23rd webinar by CleanBC betterhomes, the recording and slide can be found here

Related Bylaws
Installing an electric heat pump or doing renovations, upgrades or retrofits on your home for energy efficiency and GHG emission reduction *may* not require a permit. Please see Section 6.3 for exemptions from the Building Bylaw. When in doubt please contact the Planning and Development department Phone: 250-494-1373 

Energy Step Code
In addition to the numerous retrofit opportunities offered through CleanBC, the Energy Step Code is another important provincially regulated step towards energy efficiency and emission reduction. Buildings are one of the primary emission contributors in BC and in Canada, as such, ensuring materials, construction and development is not only low in emissions, but efficient contributes to provincial and federal goals for climate action and emission reduction.

On February 14th Council adopted amendments to the Building Bylaw to include Step 1 of the Energy Code for BC. For more information on what the District of Summerland is doing to integrate these changes within our own bylaws, what work has been done to date, and what it means for homeowners and developers, Click Here

Council recently adopted the Fees and Charges Bylaw* to offer refunds and rebates for working towards efficiency in your home. These are summarized here:

  1. Mid-Construction Blower Door Test Rebate – Building Permit Fee refund of $400 following submission of a completed mid-construction BC standard verification report for Part 9 buildings.
  2. Fee refund if Notice of Application Review not provided in allotted time period – 20% Fee reduction
  3. Fee refund for achievement of Step level of BC Energy Step Code:

BC Energy Step Code – Step Level

Rebate as a factor of Building Permit Fee

Step 3 (for Part 9 buildings only expiring September 1, 2022)

5% Fee rebate

Step 3 (for Part 3 buildings only)

5% Fee rebate

Step 4 (Part 9 and Part 3 buildings)

10% Fee rebate

Step 5 (Part 9 and Part 3 buildings)

20% Fee rebate

*Full bylaw can be found here


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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