Discover Summerland


Summerland is located along Highway 97, which runs from the Yukon and Alaska through the centre of British Columbia to Washington, Oregon and California. This transportation corridor provides access to a potential market of more than 40 million people.

The Okanagan connector (97C) means Summerland is just a four-and-half hour drive from Vancouver. From Alberta, Summerland is accessed via Highway 1 (Trans-Canada, 16 and Highway 93).

Travelling by Air

Kelowna International Airport is a one hour drive away, and is one of Canada's busiest airports with more than 200 departures per week.

Penticton Regional Airport is a 15 minute drive away and offers four daily scheduled flights to/from Vancouver with Air Canada Jazz making it easy to catch connecting flights. WestJet offers 1 flight per day to and from Calgary.

Driving Times


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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