City Services

Dog Licensing & Control

Dog Control

For dog complaints, please contact Summerland Dog Control Services
Phone: 250-494-6446

Dog Licensing

All dogs in Summerland over the age of 4 months are required to be licenced annually. Licences expire on the 31st of December and must be renewed by the end of January the following year.

To register a new dog with the District of Summerland please click here.

Online Dog Registration - Fillable

  • Pay in person at Municipal Hall, 13211 Henry Avenue, Summerland, between 8:15 am and 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday.  Cash, Cheques, and Interac,and now 
  • Credit Cards on a User Pay basis through   click here PAY BY CREDIT CARD

One dog tag is issued for the entire life of the dog, however the licensing fees must be paid every year. A renewal notice will be mailed out in December every year. Licences can be paid by mailing in a cheque, phone banking, Internet Banking, using the 24-hour drop box located at the front of Municipal Hall, or in person at Municipal Hall.

New licences are available for purchase by calling Summerland Municipal Hall at 250-494-6451.  

 Licence Fees

 Spayed or Neutered Dog $35.00
 Non-Spayed or Non Neutered $70.00
 Replacement Tag  $5.00
 Transfer Tag  $5.00
 New licenses purchased after July 1st will be prorated to half the original fee  

Should your pet be deceased or is no longer within municipal boundaries, notification is appreciated.

Doggy Beach

Dogs feel the heat too. To cool them off, take them to the Doggy Beach located at Peach Orchard Beach. This is a fenced beach area and owners are asked to obey all signage and to use good judgment with their animals. As per signage posted, dogs are also now allowed to run at Peach Orchard Beach from approximately October to April. Please be sure to use your doggy's bags!

Owner Responsibility

Responsible owners license and vaccinate their dogs. If you leave home with your dog, be prepared to clean up after it by carrying plastic bags. The municipality has joined in the clean up effort by placing several doggy bag stands throughout the downtown area for owner convenience. Please feel free to grab one "just in case". If you want to take your dog on the road with you, please know that all dogs travelling in vehicles must be tethered or confined. It is recommended that you use a leash no longer than 2 m (6.5 ft). You must have your dog on a leash while on a highway, in a park or other public place unless it is a designated dog area, and try to stay at least 10 m (30 ft) away from playgrounds. Please look for and obey all signage.

Please consult our bylaw (46KB PDF) for more information.


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