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Information for Voters

Provincial legislation gives eligible B.C. residents the right to vote in assent voting (referendum). This right is subject to certain restrictions, limitations and requirements. Additionally, local governments are required to provide access to voting, through various opportunities, such as an advance voting day.

Voter Eligibility

Resident Elector Requirements:

To vote in the District of Summerland election as a resident elector, you must:

  • Be a Canadian Citizen;
  • be 18 years of age or older on the day of registration;
  • be a resident of the District of Summerland on the day of registration;
  • have been a resident of B.C. for at least 6 months before the day of registration; and
  • not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an assent voting (referendum) and not otherwise disqualified by law.

Non-Resident Property Electors

When a person lives in one jurisdiction and owns property in one or more other jurisdictions, they may vote once in each of the other jurisdictions where they own property – as long as they meet the voter eligibility requirements.

If a person owns a property with one or more other individuals, only one person is eligible to vote as the non-resident property elector for that property. The owner entitled to vote must be designated, in writing, by the majority of the property owners.

A person cannot vote on behalf of a corporation, or as a non-resident property elector, based on a property owned wholly or in part by a corporation.

Non-Resident Property Elector Requirements:

  • Be a Canadian Citizen;
  • be 18 years of age or older on the day of registration;
  • have been a resident of B.C. for at least 6 months before the day of registration;
  • not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an assent voting (referendum) and not otherwise disqualified by law.
  • be a registered owner of real property in the District of Summerland for at least 30 days before the day of registration;
  • not be registered as a resident property elector; and
  • If there is more than one registered owner of a property, only one of those individuals may, with written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.

Not sure if your property is located within the District of Summerland boundaries? Check out the Summerland Spatial Viewer web application here or click on the provided boundary map below.

District of Summerland Boundaries Map

When registering as a non-resident property elector, either at the advanced voting opportunities or on the day of general voting, you will be required to provide proof of property ownership (Tax Notice, Land Titles document) and the consent form signed by other registered owners allowing you to cast a vote on their behalf. It is recommended that the registration and consent form below be filled out prior to voting. Please fill out the two forms below and bring with you to the voting opportunity you wish to attend.

Non-Resident Propery Elector (Form No-7-2)

Non-Resident Property Elector Consent (Form No-7-3)


Students who live in one jurisdiction and attend an educational institution in a jurisdiction different from their usual place of residence may vote only once—either in the jurisdiction where they attend school or in the jurisdiction that is their usual place of residence.

Voter Ineligibility

Resident electors and non-resident property electors are not eligible to vote in a local election if they:

  • Have been convicted and sentenced for an indictable offence and are in custody;
  • Have been found guilty of an election offence, such as intimidation or vote-buying; or
  • Do not otherwise meet voter eligibility requirements.

Voter Registration 

Voter Identification

When a resident elector is required to show two pieces of identification, the identification must prove who they are and where they live – including the person's name and residential address. One of the pieces of identification must also include the person's signature (such as a driver's licence or BC Services Card). If neither piece of identification shows the elector's residential address, they may make a solemn declaration as to their place of residence.

Non-resident property electors must prove who they are and where they live as well as provide the address or legal description and the title (or other proof of ownership) of the property in relation to which they are registering to vote. Non-resident property electors must also demonstrate to the presiding election official that they have the written consent of the majority of all owners to vote as the designated non-resident property elector if they own the property with another person.

Provincial voters list

A local government may, by bylaw, use the most current available Provincial Voters List prepared by Elections BC rather than maintaining its own register of resident electors (aka Voters List). If so, resident electors whose names appear on the Provincial Voters List are automatically registered and are not required to show identification in order receive a ballot and vote in local elections.

Electors can register in advance on the Provincial Voters List up until 52 days before general voting day.

A person whose name does not appear on the Provincial Voters List will be required to show two pieces of identification, the identification must prove who they are and where they live -- including the person's name and residential address. One of the pieces of identification must also include the person's signature such as a Driver's Licence or BC Services Card (the BC Services Card when combined with a Driver’s Licence is considered one piece of identification). If neither piece of identification shows the elector's residential address, they may make a solemn declaration as to their place of residence.

The names of non-resident property electors are not recorded on the Provincial Voters List. Where a local government uses the Provincial Voters List, non-resident property electors need to register at the time of voting and show two pieces of identification, as well as the title of the property in relation to which they are voting.


General voting day is usually the most publicized or widely-known voting opportunity resident and non-resident property electors have to cast their ballot in a local election. Advance voting opportunities are also available for those who may not otherwise be able to vote on general voting day.

General Voting Day - November 4, 2023 

  • General voting day is on November 4, 2023 from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM local time at the Summerland Arena Banquet Room located at 8820 Jubilee Road E.

Advance Voting - October 25 & 31, 2023

An advance voting opportunity must be held 10 days prior to general voting day. This required advance voting day allows eligible electors who may not otherwise be able to vote on general voting day to cast their ballots. Local governments with populations greater than 5,000 are required to hold at least two advance voting opportunities. 
The District of Summerland will be arranging an additional advanced voting opportunity in accordance with the Local Government Act and the Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 2018-017.

Advance voting opportunities:

  • October 25, 2023 (8:00AM to 8:00PM) at the Summerland Arena Banquet Room, located at 8820 Jubilee Road E.
  • October 31, 2023 (8:00AM to 8:00PM) at the Summerland Arena Banquet Room, located at 8820 Jubilee Road E.

Special Voting -Details TBD

Special voting opportunities may be held in any location – inside or outside the local government boundary – to provide eligible electors who may not otherwise be able to attend a voting place an opportunity to cast their ballots during a local election.

Special voting opportunities are generally held in hospitals, long-term care facilities or other locations where electors’ mobility may be impaired. Only designated electors are eligible to vote at special voting opportunities. Local governments may set out the specific dates, times and locations where special voting will take place during an election in their election bylaws.

The District of Summerland will be arranging a special voting opportunities in accordance with the Local Government Act and the Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 2018-017.

Special voting opportunities:

  • October 27, 2023 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) at the Parkdale Place Housing Society, located at 9302 Angus Street, Summerland, BC V0H 1Z5.

Voting Accessibility

Local governments are required to make voting places as accessible as reasonably possible. This includes providing options for:

  • Assistance receiving a ballot ("curb-side" voting): if an eligible elector travels to a voting place and cannot easily access the building or room in which voting is taking place, an election official may bring them a ballot.
  • Assistance marking a ballot: if an eligible elector is unable to mark their own ballot, another person, such as an election official, friend or relative, may assist them. That person will be required to sign a solemn declaration before being able to provide assistance in marking the ballot.
  • Translation: if an eligible elector requires assistance from a translator, they may bring one, as long as the translator makes a solemn declaration that they can and will translate to the best of their ability.

Municipal Bylaws

Local Elections Legislation

Further Information

For more information, please contact the Chief Election Officer for the District of Summerland:

Chief Election Officer
Tel:  250-404-4037

Municipal Hall
13211 Henry Ave
PO Box 159
Summerland BC  V0H 1Z0


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