City Services

Online Utility Account Inquiry

All the information regarding your Utility Account can be accessed by clicking:  ONLINE SERVICES

The link will take you to Summerland's Online Services, where you click on the menu on the left side to choose the options from the list. You will be required to enter you 13-digit account number, and your Access Code, which are both located on your monthly billing (Account Number is on the top left bar, and the Access Code is in the middle bar on the right side). Once you have logged on, you can access any of the choices below by clicking in the menu.  PLEASE NOTE:  If you opt for E-billing, you will no longer receive the monthly newsletter by mail.  To receive the monthly newsletter by email, please Email

Account Information shows the services being billed, highlighted blue services will show meter readings and the top left corner will show current balance owing and the date it is due.

Billing Summary lists all your billings as a summary as well as viewing your monthly bills by clicking on the "View Invoice" which is highlighted in blue. The monthly invoice selected can be opened in the PDF format which you may save or print.

Transactions gives you a summary of the transactions of the billings and the payments by date order.

My Contact Information will be required to complete the Login procedure.

My Access Code allows you personalize your Access Code.


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