City Services

Summerland Transit


Summerland residents that are new to UMO or have an UMO card or app on their phone can now obtain the 2025 Free Fare Pass for the 2025 calendar year. The new pass is only valid for the 2025 year, and will be activated on January 1 2025. 

You are able to continue using your current Free Fare Pass for the remainder of the 2024 calendar year, but will need this new pass to continue accessing the free fare program for 2025 when using the Route 30 bus as a Summerland resident. 

You DO NOT need to obtain a new UMO card or app to load the pass, it will be loaded onto your existing card/account. 

Please visit any one of our two(2) vendor locations in town to obtain your pass! The Municipal Hall office is closed from 2pm on December 24th through till January 1 2025. Re-opening at 8:15am at Municipal Hall January 2nd. 

Please check out the Aquatic Centre webpage for full holiday schedules

Scheduled Bus Service

Since October 2013, Summerland has a scheduled bus service, Route 30, to access downtown Summerland, and to Penticton and back. Bus stops are marked with a sign and a red curb. 

To view Bus Stops in Summerland and along the Route 30, visit here

View the Bus Schedule (328KB PDF).
Bus Fares

For more information, please call Municipal Hall at 250-494-6451 or visit the BC Transit website.

Summerland BC Transit Vendors

Municipal Hall (13211 Henry Avenue) or the Aquatic and Fitness Centre (13205 Kelly Ave).

South Okanagan and Similkameen Umo Launch

What is Umo?

Umo is a new BC Transit fare collection system that was launched on March 13, 2024 for the South Okanagan Similkameen BC Transit system. The District of Summerland has two BC Transit vendors, the Aquatic Centre and Municipal Hall, where the new system is being used and Umo cards and fares can be purchased. 

Please visit the website below to learn more about Umo and access additional information about the new fare system prior to the launch next month.



Route 30 Summerland Free Fare Program

On March 19th 2024, Council approved the continued provision of free bus fares for Summerland residents on the Route 30 Summerland/Penticton after April 22, 2024. The free bus fare initiative is identified as a Council Strategic Priority, contributing to an adaptable and affordable community for Summerland residents. 

You can see the staff report here (Item 7.2 in the afternoon Council meeting Agenda)

The District is excited to support this initiative and to provide Summerland residents with a no cost transportation option for all ages, that supports cost savings, increase access to services and amenities outside of town such as medical care and shopping, and increased use of our regional bus, Route 30.

Please see our FAQ for commonly asked questions 

How to Get Your Free Fare Pass

If you are a Summerland resident how can you ride for free?

  1. Add the ‘Free Fare Pass’ on your Umo card or App from one of our two(2) BC Transit vendors and tap it on the new fare device when you ride the Route 30 bus

How can you obtain the free fare pass? Please follow these steps:

  1. First you must be registered with Umo either on their app (Visit Umo) which can be downloaded for free from Google Play or the App Store, OR visit a Summerland BC Transit vendor, at the Municipal Hall or Aquatic Centre, who can give you a physical Umo card. 
  2. Bring a piece of ID to the vendor that shows you are a Summerland resident. Either a utility bill, government ID that shows your residence, or a student card from a Summerland School will be accepted.
  3. Once you demonstrate you are a Summerland resident our vendors will upload the ‘Summerland Free Fare’ pass onto your Umo card or app*
  4. When you ride on the Route 30 bus just tap your Umo card or scan the QR code from the Umo app on your phone, and go!

*The free fare pass will be valid for one year you will then need to come back to our BC Transit fare vendors and get a new pass for another year.

The Free Fare Pass is ONLY valid on Route 30 Summerland/Penticton. Umo can be used to upload other regional or local bus passes or ticket packs across the South Okanagan Similkameen, Kelowna Regional and Vernon transit systems. You must visit the appropriate regional transit system vendors to obtain/add other passes and tickets outside of the South Okanagan Similkameen. 

Vendor Hours

The Aquatic and Fitness Centre
Monday to Friday, 8am-8:30pm (reduced hours in Summer till 7:30pm)
Saturdays 10:30am-4pm (closed during summer)
Sundays 9am-4pm (closed during summer)

Municipal Hall
Tuesday to Friday 8:15AM-5PM. 


On Earth Day April 22, 2023 the District of Summerland Council launched a year long free fare pilot for Summerland residents on bus Route 30 Summerland/Penticton. The free fare for Summerland residents on Route 30 is the first regional route in BC offering free fares to their residents. The free bus fare initiative is identified as a Council Strategic Priority, contributing to an adaptable and affordable community for Summerland residents. 

route 30 map

On Request (HandyDart System)

Summerland On Request (HandyDart system) does door-to-door service for medical and specialist appointments for seniors and those with permanent disabilities who are unable to ride the regular bus system. It operates on a space availability basis. These trips could include blood work, physio, doctor, dentist, x-rays etc. There is service within Summerland ($4.00 return) and also a service to Penticton ($8.00 return). Seating is limited and must be booked in advance by calling 1-844-442-2212 and leave a message for them to return your call if there is no answer. Tickets are sold by the bus driver and at Municipal Hall.

Taxi Saver Coupons - handyPASS

The Taxi Saver program allows seniors and people with permanent disabilities greater convenience to travel throughout Summerland region. The Taxi Saver Program provides a 50% subsidy towards the cost of taxi rides with Summerland Taxi. Eligible individuals can purchase an $80 package of Taxi Saver coupons at a cost of $40. The package can be purchased once every month and cannot exceed 12 in a year. The coupons come in denominations of $1, $2 and $5. The Taxi Saver client uses the coupons to pay the dollar meter rate of taxi fare. Please note, change is not given from coupons. A handyPASS application must be completed at Municipal Hall and approved applications can purchase tickets from the Cashier right away.


You are eligible for a HandyPass if you are a senior (65 years+) or if you are over 16 years old and have a physical or mental disability (medical documentation may be required). You must then fill out the HandyPass Application (name, address, Care Card # and photo ID) to receive a HandyPass card that must be shown to the taxi driver when using the coupons.

Booking a Taxi

Call Summerland Taxi at 250-494-6651 to schedule a pick up. Please tell the dispatcher that you are booking a Taxi Saver trip, and have your HandyPASS available to show the driver.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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