Discover Summerland

Things to Do

There are lots of things to do in Summerland in every season of the year. From riding the Kettle Valley Steam Train to touring our 15 wineries, to mountain biking, playing in our pristine lakes and beaches to picking fresh orchard fruit... we have it all.

Visit our tourism website for a comprehensive list of attractions..

Wine Touring

Summerland's Bottle Neck Drive has 15 member wineries. Wine touring is very popular.

Kettle Valley Steam Railway

Summerland is home to one of the only remaining working steam trains in Canada. It runs on a portion of the historic Kettle Valley Railway adjacent to the scenic Trout Creek canyon. Find out more on the Kettle Valley Steam Railway website. 

Ride the Giant

Ride the Giant is an annual freeride longboard race down the steep and windy road leading up to our scenic Giants Head Park. This is a very popular and spectacular event for longboarders.

Summerland Community Arts Council

Summerland has a vibrant cultural community. Click here for more details.

Other Attractions

See other Summerland attractions on our Tourism Website.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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