City Services

Utility Billing

General Information

The Corporation supplies Electricity, Water and Sewer Services to the residents. Depending upon your property location, your utility bill could reflect any combination of water, sewer, garbage and electrical services. Utility bills are mailed out the first week of every month and are due the third last business day of every month (unless otherwise stated).

Utility Rates Information

To review Electric Rates and Fees please refer to Fees and charges 2022.  For the Water Bylaw please click on 2022 Water Utilities Bylaw.


Online Utility Account Inquiry

Information regarding your Utility Account can be accessed at Online Services.

E-Bill Service

After receiving your first paper bill by mail, you may opt to set up for the E-Bill Service.  To register to receive your utility invoice by E-Bill please click onto the Online Services (above) and Link & Register. You will require your Utility Account number as well as your Access Code number located on the middle right hand side of your Utility Bill.    After entering these account and access code number tick the "notify by email" as well as "attach a PDF copy".  To receive the monthly District Newsletter by email, please send a request to This Newsletter contains important information for Summerland residences including public notices, press releases and water advisories.  

New Accounts/ Moving

Something in writing  is required for new account sign up or if you are moving out. You can sign in/out for utility services at Municipal Hall, 13211 Henry Avenue, or fax us at 250-494-1415, email or send the information by mail to Box 159, Summerland BC  V0H 1Z0. Please include your name, phone number, the address of the service, the date service is to commence/end, and mailing, contact information. You can also use this form to send the information.

Account Inquiries

Please call 250-404-4047 or email

Paying Your Bill

To pay your utility bill, you can:

  • Enroll in our Pre-Authorization Form for monthly automatic withdrawals. Bank Account changes or Cancellation of Pre-Authorized Payments can be done by E-mail to the Utility Department, or in person at the District of Summerland.
  • Pay by phone or internet by setting District of Summerland up as a PAYEE. Contact your financial institution if you are unable set up, as all banking institutions have us set up differently. 
  • Mail cheque or money order to District of Summerland, PO Box 159, Summerland BC  V0H 1Z0. Please allow enough time for the payment to reach Municipal Hall before the due date.
  • Pay in person at Municipal Hall, 13211 Henry Avenue, Summerland, between 8:15 am and 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday.  Cash, Cheques, and Interac and
  • Credit Cards on a User Pay basis through  .  click here PAY BY CREDIT CARD
  • Pay after-hours using the secure Drop Box located at the front of Municipal Hall.


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Contact us:

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