Your City Hall

Freedom of Information Requests

The District of Summerland is bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of the Province of B.C. This Act requires that the public have access to records of their government and that personal information in the hands of the government be protected from release. The Province has determined that certain types of information cannot be released but that other types must be routinely available or must be accessible to those making a Freedom of Information request. Fees can be charged for Freedom of Information requests that involve significant staff time to comply with the information request. If you would like to make a formal Freedom of Information request or would like to know if certain information is routinely available, contact the Administration Office at 250.494.6451 and staff will assist you. 

Please note that effective December 16, 2022, all formal Freedom on Information requests are subject to a $10 application fee (can be paid at District of Summerland Municipal Hall - Finance Counter) that must be paid when submitting an application. 

Freedom of Information Request Form - fillable


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