Your City Hall
Mar 02, 2023

Advisory Planning Commission Volunteers


Looking for Advisory Planning Commission Volunteers

The District of Summerland is currently recruiting for four positions community members to get involved in local government by participating in the following Advisory Planning Commission:

Advisory Planning Commission (3 year term):

This Commission shall assist Council in an advisory capacity on the following applications:  Amendments to the Official Community Plan, Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, and other requests that may be referred to them by Council. This group consists of the public at large and their decisions are based on the information provided to them from the Planner and other sources.  The Commission does not meet on a regular schedule, instead holding meetings when there are items to be considered. If you have an interest in land use in Summerland, an ability to work with others, and a willingness to contribute your viewpoint, then this opportunity is for you!

More information and application forms can be found on our website Forward completed applications to by March 24, 2023.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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