What are Food Scrap Digesters?
Food scrap digesters are kitchen top units that dry and break apart most food scraps. The units safely reduce potential odors and reduce potential health concerns from food scraps. They produce a dry, nutrient rich product that can be incorporated in home gardens.
Why is Summerland promoting them?
Food scrap digesters are a newer technology. Many residents may not know about them. Some of the potential benefits for Summerland residents:
- Dried food waste does not attract animals. The smell is greatly reduced. That reduces potential conflicts with bears and other animals when the materials are placed in a curbside collection program.
- Food scrap digesters help reduce the 'ick factor'. Many people do not want food scraps in their home. These systems turn food scraps quickly into a dry flaky materials.
- They are a similar cost to the price of a 'bear cart'. Reinforced 'wildlife resistant' carts are much more expensive than a normal cart and generally cost more to maintain. Wildlife resistant carts also don't reduce odors that can attract a bear to your property whereas a food scraps digester does reduce odor.
Options for Food Scraps Digesters
The District of Summerland has provided the links below for information only and does not endorse these products. Other manufactures of similar products are invited to e-mail works@summerland.ca if they are interested in providing information on their technology or services on this webpage.
Vitamix - High-Performance Blending Machines