Your City Hall
Mar 04, 2021

Looking for Committee Member Volunteers

Committee members volunteer their time and expertise and are essential to the success of Council Committees. The District of Summerland currently has openings on the following Committees:

Agricultural Advisory Committee
(2yr Term meeting monthly minimum)

●Assists Council in an advisory capacity on issues important to the agri-business community including land use and economic development matters with respect to agriculture.

Community Climate Action Advisory Committee
(1yr Term meeting quarterly minimum)

●Assists Council in an advisory capacity on the District’s community-wide green greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets and accompanying objectives related to Climate Action, as identified in the Official Community Plan.

Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
(2yr Term quarterly minimum)

●Provides a local perspective and advice to Council and staff on the provision of parks and recreation services, programs and facilities in Summerland with consideration of the District of Summerland Parks & Recreation Master Plan

More information and application forms can be found on our website Forward completed applications to by March 17, 2021.

Council will review all applications received and make appointments at a meeting in April.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

Contact us:

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