Your City Hall
Nov 13, 2020

District of Summerland

Following the most recent advice from the Provincial Health Officer, and in support of the health and safety of our community, the District of Summerland will now expect all residents, developers, contractors, consultants, and others visiting District facilities to wear a mask.  

This enhanced safety protocol will apply to all municipal facilities, including Municipal Hall, the Aquatic & Fitness Centre, Summerland Arena, and Works & Infrastructure, beginning on Monday, November 16, 2020.  Masks are optional while participating in recreation activities and sports but are expected in public areas of recreation facilities (i.e. lobby, changerooms, etc.)

All District safety protocols and procedures will continue to be updated and enhanced under the direction of the Provincial Health Officer as we do our part to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community and workplaces. 

District of Summerland staff, who are close to one another or members of the public where physical distancing is not possible, or where barriers/partitions are not in place, will also be expected to wear a mask.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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