Your City Hall
Feb 03, 2020

Funding for Local Organic Processing Facility

The Summerland Sanitary Landfill services Summerland and Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Electoral Area ‘F’ (Faulder/West Bench/Meadow Valley). The new facility will provide these service area users with a way to divert organic material they generate from their garbage and out of the landfill.

Upon completion, the community will have access to a new Class ‘A’ compost product that has been created by diverting their agricultural and residential food scraps, currently collected under the curbside program or hauled to the landfill, from the District’s waste stream. The new compost product will be in addition to the current high-quality Class ‘A’ biosolids compost produced and sold at the landfill.

District staff will now begin working through the initial stages of the project, with design and construction expected to be completed by the end of 2021 and full operations to be implemented January 2022. Community involvement will be a key factor in the project’s success. The District will provide public engagement opportunities as it progresses, and has created a dedicated webpage at for easy access to information and responses to questions the community may have regarding the Summerland Organics Processing Facility Project.



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