Your City Hall

Solar Energy Community Conversation

February 16, 2017, The District of Summerland hosted its first Solar Energy Community Conversation, exploring the question “What is Summerland’s Future in Solar?"

Over 100 attendees came to listen to presentations regarding the possibilities for solar energy in our community, and to discuss what the future of solar in Summerland could be.

Copies of the presentation slides are below.

Tami Rothery, Former Sustainability / Alternative Energy Coordinator, District of Summerland

Tami shared information about the current grid configuration in Summerland, and the opportunities that renewables offer our community. She also shared the importance of energy conservation and reducing and reusing waste heat, as well as the need to consider all aspects of renewable technologies, including life-cycle emissions, cost, and benefits to the community.

Finally, Ms. Rothery presented some information about Kimberley’s SunMine project, as a representative from Kimberley was unable to attend this event.

Community Conversation - Feb 16 Presentation (Tami Rothery)
Community Conversation - Feb 16 Presentation (SunMine)

Carmen Proctor, Eco-save Program Coordinator, City of Nelson

Carmen presented information about The City of Nelson’s Community Solar Garden Project, and the benefits that project has offered to their community and their utility. Nelson is one of the few municipalities in BC to own their own electrical utility, so this project has great relevance for Summerland.

Community Conversation - Feb 16 Presentation (Carmen Proctor)

Rob St. Onge, Energy Manager, Okanagan College

Rob shared Okanagan College’s experiences with renewable energy technologies and energy conservation at their various campuses. With a variety of systems in place, Okanagan College offers an excellent set of case studies about how these technologies perform in the real world, and what considerations energy generators need to plan for as they implement renewable technologies. 

Community Conversation - Feb 16 Presentation (Rob St. Onge)

Ron Percival, Bench Consulting Inc.

Ron gave an overview of global solar markets and the incredible growth in solar energy production around the world. He highlighted the drivers and benefits of solar for communities and gave some practical information about the different types of mounting systems and the requirements for each. Ron’s presentation highlighted the bright future of solar energy and the possibilities for Summerland to take advantage of this energy generation technology.

Community Conversation - Feb 16 Presentation (Ron Percival)

Community Conversation

Following the presentations, participants broke out into table groups to discuss the question “What is Summerland’s future in solar?” with the following supplementary questions being offered to keep conversation flowing: “What are the community’s responsibilities when it comes to energy sourcing? What about the District’s?” and “Does a solar energy project ‘fit’ in Summerland? How/not?". A designated note-taker at each table captured the comments made in those discussions, and those notes are transcribed here.

At the end of the event, participants were asked to complete a brief survey regarding solar energy and their reactions to the information presented. The results of those surveys can be seen here.

Please contact the Manager of Planning and Sustainability at 250-404-4068 or for more information, or to be added to the solar energy contact list to be kept informed of other upcoming solar related events.


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