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District of Summerland – Council direction to review Budgets - COVID -19

Apr 27, 2020
District of Summerland – Council direction to review Budgets COVID -19
In response to financial challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Municipal Council has provided direction to staff to review it’s operating, capital and utility budgets to help support the needs of the community. At its regularly scheduled meeting on April 14, Council provided direction to staff as follows:

THAT Council direct staff to bring forward options for consideration to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the District of Summerland’s residents and businesses looking at:
• 2020 Operating Fund;
• 2020 Utility Funds;
• Extending the property tax notice remittance;
• Extending the 10% utility billing discount;
• And other changes as directed by Council. 
AND THAT a Special Meeting of Council be set up for Friday April 17 at 9:30am.

“We recognize that the impact to our businesses and residents will be significant resulting from COVID19”, said Mayor Toni Boot. “Council is committed to supporting our community through this challenging time and through the upcoming months and into 2021. We are looking at realigning priorities as a way to lower the impacts of the pandemic on our community”.

District staff are in the process of preparing a detailed report with options for Council’s consideration to support the community moving forward.

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