Discover Summerland
Mar 10, 2025

Street sweeping season is here

The Works crews will be heading out soon to sweep Summerland’s 330 lane kilometers of roads, the equivalent of driving to Greenwood and back! Crews start in the lower town area and work their way up to the higher elevations. Sweeping takes approximately two months to complete and is a two-step process as follows:

✅Step 1 - Sand laden areas are cleaned with a front broom articulating sweeper, loader and dump truck.

✅Step 2 - Remaining sand particles are cleaned with a vacuum sweeper. This is a slower process as it takes several passes to cover the same amount of road area.

🤝𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭! If you hear or see the sweeper in your neighbourhood, please move your vehicle off the street to help us work efficiently. 🚗➡️

Thanks for your cooperation, Summerland! 💙


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