1: Fill your Green Yard & Garden Waste Cart and put it out for collection.
Place additional Yard & Garden Waste beside your cart for collection as follows:
- In “kraft” style yard waste paper bags, or
- In any container clearly marked “Yard Waste Only”, with a volume capacity of 95 litres or less and a maximum weight of 25 kg.
Free “Yard Waste Only” labels are available at the Cashier’s counter at Municipal Hall.
Bundle branches (under 5 cm in diameter) with string or twine. Bundles must be less than 1 metre long and weigh less than 25 kg.
Note: Paper bags that are ripped or heavily saturated will not be collected.
Reminder: Materials must be placed out for collection by 7:00 am on your regular collection day. An additional truck will collect the extra yard & garden waste after the garbage is collected.