Discover Summerland
Apr 26, 2022

Upcoming Planned Community-Wide Power Outage - District of Summerland

FortisBC will continue with upgrades to their transmission system and electrical substation located on Giants Head Road near Hillborn Street, resulting in a planned community-wide power outage on the following date:

  • 11:00pm Friday, April 29, 2022 to 6:00am Saturday, April 30, 2022 (7- hour duration)

“Upgrades and maintenance to this transmission system and electrical substation are not only beneficial but essential as this is the only electrical feed to our community.  Summerland’s Electrical Utility will also take advantage of this power outage to facilitate in-house maintenance” advised the Director of Utilities.

Residents should be aware that power outages will cause interruptions to some water services and streetlights during this time.

Good practice to GETPREPARED

Planned outages like this are a good reminder for Summerlanders to increase their preparedness for extended power and water outages. Unplanned power outages can happen at anytime and are often caused by freezing rain, sleet storms, high winds, animals and motor vehicle incidents.  During a power outage, you may be left without heating/air conditioning, lighting, hot water, or even running water.  You may also be left without phone or internet service.  If you do not have a battery-powered or crank radio, you may have no way of monitoring news broadcasts.  In other words, you could be facing major challenges.

In order to maintain a resilient community, residents should take the time to prepare in advance.  You and your family should be prepared to cope on your own during a power outage for at least three days.

Visit for good resources.

For further information:

Jeremy Storvold
Director of Utilities
PH: 250-494-0431

Winter Recreation Guide now available:

 Winter Recreation Guide

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