Discover Summerland
Apr 01, 2021

District of Summerland Further Expedites the Existing Review Process for the Use of Public Property to Support Local Businesses

In light of the recent COVID-19 Public Heath Order to close indoor dining, the District of Summerland has rapidly moved to further expedite the approval process for the temporary use of sidewalks for businesses.  Effective immediately, businesses can use the rapid review process to set up patios to support outdoor dining and enhance outdoor shopping experiences.  This interim rapid review process will be in place for the duration of the current Public Health Order restricting indoor dining.



To outline an interim process to temporarily close a road, sidewalk, or parking stall for a use that is allowed under policy, in the assistance of businesses for the duration of the current Public Health Order restricting indoor dining.


1. The Director of Works and Infrastructure (the ‘Director’), or their authorized designate, is hereby authorized to issue, alter, or cancel permits in accordance with this policy. Temporary road, sidewalk, or parking stall closures do not require the approval of Council.

2. Interim permit requests can come by way of email request to the Director, and approval of the permit may be given via email message. A printout of the email approval is considered a valid approval.

3. In the email submission, the civic address of the business, a general description of the closure purpose, footprint and public access and egress should be provided.

4. Approval is conditional on liability insurance in the amount of not less than $2,000,000 within 72 hours of the closure.

5. There is no fee associated with an application during the interim period.

6. Use of a portion of a sidewalk or parking stalls in the Downtown Development Permit Area is contingent on the use being safe, is adjacent to the business for which the application is being made and also that it does not unnecessarily restrict vehicular or pedestrian movement.

7. The applicant is responsible for also obtaining any other permit necessary for the purpose from Interior Health, the Liquor Inspector, or any other applicable regulatory agency.

8. Applications are non-recurring and applications made through this process are only valid for the duration that the Public Health Order restricting indoor dining is in place.

How to Apply:

  1. Email with the civic address of the business, the description of the closure purpose, proposed footprint, and proposed access and egress.
  2. Following approval, please move forward with obtaining the required liability insurance and any other approvals required from other levels of government, if other approvals are required.
  3. Submit a copy of the liability insurance to within 72 hours.

If you have further questions, please contact Kris Johnson at 250-404-4096.


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