Discover Summerland
Nov 30, 2020

Public Message - November 30, 2020 - COVID-19 Update

To the residents of Summerland,

A District employee, whose duties do not require interaction with the public, voluntarily self-isolated before testing positive with Covid-19 and is currently recovering at home with support from Interior Health.

As with all employers serving the public, the District of Summerland has measures in place, based on the protocols established by the Health Authority, so we can take appropriate action in response to COVID-19 in the workplace. A total of four other staff who were deemed ‘close contacts’ are self-isolating and, as they have not been at work, pose no risk of transmission in the workplace.

While Interior Health has indicated there is no public exposure, and the District acted swiftly and appropriately, we feel that by sharing this experience with our community, we can double our efforts to help reduce transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

Along with District employees, we encourage all our residents to follow the protocols that are in place to keep each other safe – wear a mask, keep 2m apart, wash your hands regularly, and monitor for symptoms – whether at home, in the community or in District facilities.

The District and our staff will continue to follow health authority protocols in all our facilities with a commitment to the safety of each other and the public in the services we provide.

Karen Needham, Acting Chief Administrative Officer


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