Discover Summerland
Oct 07, 2020

Art Chairs Installed in Summerland

At the September 14 Council meeting, a delegation from the Lake Country ArtWalk presented the opportunity to Council for the installation of 3 art chairs in Summerland.

The major arts festival, Lake Country ArtWalk, had to be canceled this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event organizers wanted to mark ArtWalk 2020 in some way and develop a special one-time community project. Their hope with this project is that we will meet their two-fold mandate, to support artists, and to provide high quality artworks and art experiences for the general public in the Okanagan.

Approximately 45 wooden chairs in a Muskoka/Adirondack style were painted by Okanagan artists. They have turned each chair into a work of art. In addition to the image painted, a short, positive message has been incorporated into the painting in some way.

Summerland Council supported the project and gave the approval to proceed with the art installation.

Today three art chairs were installed at Peach Orchard Beach Spirit Square. These chairs have been painted by local artists: Ede Axelson, Megan Roberts and Eric Blais.

The chairs have been placed 6 feet apart, which invites coming together, but still staying safe. The District of Summerland welcomes everyone to come to Peach Orchard Beach to view and enjoy the chairs.


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