Discover Summerland
Jul 31, 2020

Community Engagement Begins for the Summerland Community Recreation & Health Centre

On Monday July 27, Summerland Council was presented the proposed Public Engagement Strategy for the Summerland Community Recreation & Health Centre by the project consultants from Carscadden & Lees.

The District of Summerland has identified the need for the replacement of the Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre and are exploring the inclusion of a Primary Care Health Centre as part of Council’s Strategic Priority.

The District is working to develop partnerships that could help this facility meet community needs beyond being a pool and fitness centre and are engaging with a range of healthcare professionals, the South Okanagan Similkameen Division of Family Practice, Interior Health, and School District 67.

Community consultation is officially starting – public participation now will set the direction for the rest of the project.  Input from the community will be collected throughout the summer and fall. This input will result in a facility Needs Assessment report which will be presented to Council in early 2021. The report will provide options for facility spaces, function, and sizes which reflect the community’s recreation and health needs for now and in the future.

Join us for the following public and stakeholder events to share your voice:

  • Stakeholder Questionnaires in late August (all community groups)
  • Stakeholder Workshops in late August (by invitation)
  • Online Public Survey in September
  • Online Public Workshop in September

“It was exciting to receive the presentation from Carscadden & Lees that lays out the timeline and a number of opportunities for community engagement,” said Summerland Mayor Toni Boot. “This is a large and comprehensive project that will benefit everyone in the community. The District needs to hear early in the process what the community identifies as service gaps in Summerland. Council is pleased that—even in this time of the pandemic—we are pressing on and getting the input that is critical for success.”

Email to request to be added to the email list to receive project updates. Visit for more information for the project.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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