Discover Summerland
Mar 27, 2020

Summerland Call Centre – COVID-19

The District of Summerland will be increasing communication by opening a call centre on Monday March 30th at Noon to handle specific inquiries related to the impact of District services and programs. Set up within the City of Penticton’s Emergency Operation Centre at the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre, District of Summerland staff will be able to answer all questions or direct Summerland residents to the appropriate municipal department / personnel. 

With the recent civic and recreational facility closure, residents with questions resulting from these decisions can reach out to the call centre for help.  

“To assist during these unprecedented times, we will be working alongside the City of Penticton to have District staff members answer calls from our Summerland residents,” stated Anthony Haddad, District of Summerland Chief Administrative Officer. “The benefit of working together is that we will be able to ensure consistent communications around Provincial and Federal messaging, and also provide answers and direction for Summerland resident’s specific questions.” 

On Monday March 30th, the call centre will be opening at 12pm – noon. The call centre will be staffed between the hours of 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. Monday to Friday and can be reached by dialing 250-490-2510.  In addition to the new Call Centre line, the District of

Summerland will continue communicating through the following media: 
• District website:  
• Facebook: 
• Twitter: 


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