City Services

With bears, deer, rats and other wildlife living within and in proximity to the District of Summerland, it is important that we do our best to minimize attractants that can harm them.

Attractants such as Garbage, Recycling, Yard & Garden Waste, and gardens lure them out of their habitats and into yards. 


Please consider the following steps when preparing your Garbage, Recycling, and Yard & Garden waste for collection:

  • Place carts at the curb no earlier than 5:00am on your scheduled collection day, and remove the carts from the curbside as soon as possible after collection. 
  • One of the biggest attractants for wildlife in our community is garbage. Properly secure your garbage, keep it indoors until pickup, or take material to the Summerland Sanitary Landfill
  • Ensure your cart lids are closed and the cart is stored in a clean, secure location. Consider storing in a secure enclosure. 
  • Keep carts clean and free from excess, smelly garbage. Consider freezing odorous garbage prior to placing at the curb on collection day. 
  • Rinse, clean, and dry any recyclables. 
  • Harvest fruit immediately. Remove any windfall fruit and if you own an orchard. 
  • Pet food, bird feeders, and gardens are all attractants for wildlife. Keep your pet food securely stored indoors. Bring your bird feeders in for the summer, supplementing them with natural flowers and birdbaths. 
  • Everyone loves the smell of a good barbecue, wildlife included. To keep your barbecue safe, make sure that they are properly cleaned, covered and make sure not to leave utensils out overnight. 

In B.C. it is an offence to intentionally feed or leave attractants available to dangerous wildlife and these actions can yield expensive fines.

For more information regarding the legislation surrounding wildlife awareness. Click here.  

For additional information regarding wildlife awareness, visit the RDOS page on Living With Wildlife in BC.

You can report all wildlife encounters to the BC Conservation Officer Service RAPP Line at 1-877-952-7277 or visit WildSafe BC to learn more about how to protect the species around you. 


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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