City Services

Multi-Family Dwellings are required to participate in the Curbside Collection program via shared collection carts/bins. These properties must make direct arrangements with a private hauler for the collection of garbage and yard & garden waste.

Multi Family   multifamily 1

A Multi-Family Dwelling Consists of the Following: 

 A single development consisting of five or more Dwellings which share a common exterior access to the outside, or in which each unit’s primary entrance to the outdoors faces a private driveway, and could include:

  • Apartments
  • Condominiums
  • Townhouses
  • Multiplexes
  • Others so deemed by the Director

Where a Residential Dwelling Premise occurs on the same property as a Multi-Family Dwelling, for the purposes of the Curbside Collection Program it may be treated as a Multi-Family Dwelling.

For more details on what can be placed in your residential recycling cart please visit RecycleBC:

Please note the District of Summerland curbside collection program does not collect "glass bottles or jars", "flexible plastics" or "foam packaging". These residential materials are accepted at the Summerland Landfill Recycling Depot free of charge during regular business hours.

All material MUST be clean and dry and NOT contained in any kind of bag before placing in carts.

Accepted Material:

  • Newspapers and newspaper inserts;
  • Mixed paper;
  • Shredded paper (ONLY if placed in a paper bag or cardboard box and placed INSIDE recycle cart);
  • Boxboard and cardboard; 
  • Corrugated cardboard;
  • Paper containers for liquids;
  • Aluminum foil and cans, metal tins and cans;
  • Plastic bottles, jugs, jars and cups;
  • Plastic tubs, trays, and clamshells; and 
  • Aerosol cans and caps.

Unacceptable Materials:

  • Plastic bags, recycle at the Summerland Landfill Recycling Depot;
  • Paper towel or tissues;
  • hardcover or paperback books (donate);
  • Loose shredded paper;
  • Foil-lined bags (e.g. chips);
  • Waxed cardboard boxes;
  • Straws;
  • Coat Hangers, pots, pans;
  • Beverage bottles or jugs, take to Bottle Depot for refund;
  • Packaging labelled 'biodegradable' or 'compostable'; and
  • Spray paint cans, propane cylinders, or automotive products, recycle at Summerland Landfill Recycling Depot

Watch The Video Below To Learn More About What Materials Can Go In Your Recycling!

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Multi-Family Dwellings Recycling Collection Guidelines:

  • Recyclable material is collected bi-weekly.
  • Place recyclables directly in to your cart. Do not place in any bags and ensure it is loose, not tightly packed, to prevent material from getting stuck when tipped into collection trucks.
  • Shredded paper must be contained within a paper bag or cardboard box and not loose in cart.
  • Ensure only curbside recyclable material goes in your recycling cart. Materials like glass, styrofoam, soft plastics, batteries and more must be recycled at the Landfill Recycling Depot.
  • Remove lids from containers and place in recycling carts.
  • Flatten and cut cardboard to ensure material can easily be collected- only cardboard contained inside the cart will be collected.

What Happens if I don't Recycle Properly?

If the material from a contaminated recycling cart/bin is mixed into clean recyclable material in a collection truck, it could cause all recyclable material in the truck to become over contaminated and not acceptable for recycling. This can cause whole truckloads of once recyclable material to end up as garbage in landfills. Further, the District can receive fines for contamination in recycling material from RecycleBC.

A Reminder About Plastic Bags in Recycling

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Would you like more information on where your recyclable materials go?

Steve Arstad, Reporter for Infotel News Ltd 2019, has written the following article titled 'Why we can keep worry-free recycling in the Thompson-Okanagan'. It provides details on how the Recycle BC program works and where they send the materials collected for recycling.

Recently there has been lots of misinformation regarding what happens to curbside recycling material. Is it actually being recycled? YES IT IS. For more information regarding how your recycling is processed and recycled, please click on the links below.

For more information on what can, and where to recycle visit the Landfill Recycling Depot page by clicking here.

Winter Recreation Guide now available:

 Winter Recreation Guide

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