Your City Hall
Sep 15, 2020

Leadership Change at the District of Summerland

The District of Summerland is announcing that Chief Administrative Officer Anthony Haddad has resigned to undertake a new career opportunity. Haddad’s final day will be November 10th, 2020.

With Haddad in the top leadership position at Summerland since August 2019, the District has managed to continue with many capital projects and maintain the core operational needs of Summerland—even during a workforce reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Haddad leaves the District in a sound financial position with many exciting projects in the works including the Summerland Community Recreation and Health Centre, Asset Management implementation and the Downtown Neighborhood Plan. He has also ensured the continuation of the momentum on many development process improvement initiatives.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the District and have had the good fortune to work with a talented senior leadership group and an extremely proud and committed group of staff in Summerland,” said Anthony Haddad. He added, “It has been a pleasure working with Mayor and Council on a number of their Strategic Priorities and building positive relationships in the community. Even with the challenges of the pandemic, I believe that the organization is in a positive place to continue investing in community priorities and creating a team that provides an outstanding level of customer service to support the needs of the community.”

“It’s hard to believe that Anthony stepped into his new role with the District of Summerland just over one year ago because has done so much for this community,” said Summerland Mayor Toni Boot. “Anthony leaves us in a good, strong place to continue with Council’s priorities and the other initiatives he has started. Having seen how capably he managed the District through the unprecedented pandemic, we know he is up to the task of handling any challenges he may encounter in this new opportunity. Although Anthony will be missed by both Council and District staff, we wish him all the very best.”


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