Discover Summerland
Sep 02, 2020

Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre Reopening – Phase 1

As part of the District of Summerland’s reopening plans for recreation spaces, the Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre is slated to open its doors on Tuesday, September 8.   
Staff have developed a phased approach in order to carefully monitor activities and ensure the safety of the patrons and staff. Phase 1 will include reduced hours of operation, reduced activities, reduced number of participants, dedicated time slots for participation, scheduled 15 minutes buffer between time slots, online pre-registration required for fitness room and pool use (no drop-ins), and a mid-day shut-down for enhanced cleaning protocols. 
Phase 1 opportunities include access to the fitness room, lane swimming, aquafit and public swimming sessions.   
Patrons may pre-register now at or by phoning during office hours, Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. 
Fall Recreation programs are also now open for registration. Visit the website to view the online recreation guide and for details on all facility guidelines and program opportunities.


Spring & Summer Recreation Guide now available:

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