Discover Summerland
May 28, 2020

Summerland continues roll out of park reopening plans

The District of Summerland continues to consider the safe reopening of outdoor spaces based on Provincial and Health Authority requirements and guidelines.

On June 1, the following spaces will be open for public use:
• All municipal playgrounds (Peach Orchard Beach Park, Powell Beach, Kin Park, Dale Meadows, Julia Street Park, Memorial Park)
• Dale Meadows Basketball Hoops
• Peach Orchard Beach Volleyball

School District 67 will be opening playgrounds and sport courts in Summerland on June 1 in conjunction with the municipal openings.

Visitors are reminded to use these outdoor spaces with caution, to keep physical distance between others, to stay home if sick and to wash/sanitize hands regularly. Signage will be on display outlining requirements.

Due to the financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District of Summerland has reduced staffing in our maintenance teams as a cost savings measure. We appreciate the community’s understanding of reduced park maintenance during this year.

Peach Orchard Beach Spray Park, Giant’s Head Mountain park gate, and remote outdoor washrooms remain closed as well as organized sports and park rentals until enhanced protocols have been determined. The Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre and Arena also remain closed.

As new guidelines are being released through Interior Health, WorkSafeBC, the BC Parks & Recreation Association, viaSport, Lifesaving Society, BC Centre for Disease Control and Municipal Insurance Association of BC, the District of Summerland is carefully reviewing these documents as it develops new policies and procedures for the potential reopening of additional spaces. The current focus is on outdoor spaces and programming.

“As previously stated, the District appreciates that outdoor activity is important for maintaining physical and mental wellness. That is why the District kept passive facilities, such as trails and Summerland beaches, open even as restrictions were increased throughout British Columbia,” said Mayor Toni Boot. “Staff will continue to take a coordinated and guided approach to decisions on reopening municipal. Signage about pandemic protocols will be in place and will encourage everyone using Summerland recreational spaces to continue to do so in a manner that is safe for you and for others around you.”

Please visit the District of Summerland website at for the latest COVID-19 updates.


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