Discover Summerland
May 14, 2020

Summerland begins roll out of park reopening plans

With the recent release of BC’s Restart Plan outlining the Province’s phased reopening strategy, the District of Summerland has been reviewing considerations and enhanced protocols to begin reopening some of the local parks. 
Summerland’s beaches, trails, boat launch and casual use in parks remain open, as they have been throughout this Provincial Health Emergency.  
After careful consideration and in accordance with Provincial health requirements and recommendations, the District will be taking a cautious approach to reopening of outdoor spaces and facilities, beginning with the following: 
• May 15 – Skatepark (dawn to dusk)
• May 16 – Outdoor Washrooms (8:00 am – 8:00 pm) at:
    o Peach Orchard Beach
    o Rotary Beach
    o Memorial Park
• May 23 – Powell Beach Park Gate and Outdoor Washroom (8:00 am – 8:00 pm)
• May 23 – Powell Beach Park Tennis Courts
• May 23 – Peach Orchard Campground Pickleball/Multi-use Courts
• June 1 – Peach Orchard Campground 
Visitors are expected to ensure physical distancing of a minimum of 2 metres and to not attend if sick or experiencing symptoms. Signage will be on display regarding requirements. If overcrowding or other issues arise, the District may be required to close these spaces. 
“Enhanced cleaning protocols and educational signage will be put in place for public washrooms”, said District of Summerland’s Chief Administration Officer, Anthony Haddad. He added, “Bylaw Enforcement staff will be monitoring all parks and amenities over the May long weekend to ensure protocols in place are respected.” 
Other District park amenities such as playgrounds, spray park, basketball courts, volleyball courts and Giant’s Head Mountain park gate remain closed, as well as organized sports and park rentals until enhanced protocols have been determined. The Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre and Arena also remain closed. 
The District is working with various agencies such as the BC Parks & Recreation Association, viaSport, National Lifesaving Society and Municipal Insurance Association of BC under the guidance of the Provincial Health Officer to establish and implement the necessary protocols for a safe return to social and physical recreation activities needed to boost community health and resilience. 
“Summerland has many outdoor recreational spaces within its municipal boundaries, and we want the community to enjoy these amenities,” said District of Summerland Mayor Toni Boot. “District staff continue to follow the directives of the B.C. public health officer and will be ensuring that all healthy and safety protocols as reopening progresses are in place. While we encourage residents to use our parks and trails, it is with the expectation that folks will continue to do their part in slowing the transmission of the coronavirus.” 
Please visit the District of Summerland website at for ongoing updates on the next phases of reopening our parks and recreation spaces and programs. 


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