Discover Summerland
Mar 24, 2020

Playgrounds and Active Park Closures – COVID-19

As of Noon, on Tuesday March 24th, the District of Summerland will be closing access to ‘active parks’ until further notice.  The closure applies to District playgrounds, the skatepark and municipal sporting facilities (tennis, pickle ball and basketball courts) to support requirements for social distancing.

”We are loathe to see the closing of our outdoor recreational facilities because outdoor activity is important to both physical and mental wellness,” said District of Summerland Mayor Toni Boot. “It is unfortunate that lack of compliance by some means the loss of the use of municipal facilities for the majority who are adhering to the Provincial social distancing mandate. However, this is a matter of public health and safety.”

The closure applies to the following Municipal parks and facilities:

  • Summerland Skatepark
  • Julia St Park Playground
  • Living Memorial Park (park still open for passive use)
  • Memorial Park Playground
  • Peach Orchard Campground Playground and Pickleball & Tennis Courts
  • Peach Orchard Beach Park Playground
  • Kin Park Playground
  • Powell Beach Park Playground and Tennis Courts
  • Dale Meadows Playground and Basketball Hoops (park still open for passive use)

“District staff will be monitoring these parks to ensure compliance,” stated Chief Administrative Officer, Anthony Haddad. “Access to public trails, greenspaces and beaches is still possible but to ensure they remain open, our residents will need to make sure they do not gather in groups, keep 2 metres (6 feet) apart and take every precaution possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”



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