Summerland Landfill Compost
Sale of Compost at Landfill
The Summerland Landfill creates two types of Class A compost. One compost type is derived from residential food scraps and the other separate type of compost is derived from waste water treatment plant sludge (biosolids). Each type of compost is sold at different prices.
The Summerland Landfill also sells a type of 'Topdressing' made of 50% biosolids compost and 50% sandy soil.
Bulk sale of compost and top dressing is available at the Landfill from 9:00am to 12:00pm (noon), Monday through Friday (except statutory holidays) for larger residential truck or trailer loads only. Customers must stay within their vehicles while compost being loaded.
Customers in smaller vehicles can collect compost from the container located beside the yard waste pile at the Summerland Landfill when the landfill is open. Please bring your own shovel and bags. Check with the Scale on what type of Class A compost is available at the container.
Vehicles bringing materials to the landfill must drop off their materials first and re-weight before purchasing compost.
Summerland Landfill Compost Handout Sheet

Summerland Compost Facility and Landfill Master Plan
The District of Summerland has completed a number of updates to the Summerland Landfill including:
- The construction of a new compost site capable of separately composting Summerland’s residential food waste and wastewater treatment sludge
- An updated Design, Operations and Closure Plan for the Summerland Landfill.
Summerland Landfill Compost Site
A new updated compost site has been constructed at the Summerland Landfill. The facility has two sides allowing for the composting of residential food waste and yard waste separately from wastewater treatment sludge and wood waste. The Summerland Landfill has been operating a turned windrow compost site that mixed materials and could not accept residential food waste without creating strong odours. The new compost site will bring us into compliance with Provincial regulations.
- The new compost site allows for food waste to be collected from residential homes. This has the potential to divert hundreds of tonnes of compostable materials from the garbage each year while creating valuable compost.
- Two types of compost are being created. One is made of food waste and yard waste. The other is made of wastewater treatment sludge and wood waste. Both are Class A compost meeting all Provincial requirements.
- The new facility uses fans and a biocover to significantly reduce odours and speed up the compost process. This will allow for residential food waste to be composted.
- New infrastructure allows for water storage and pumping that will make watering the compost much easier.
- All receiving areas and compost surfaces are lined with asphalt and connect to a new leachate containment pond that dries any liquids created.
- Compost curing will take place in lined areas of the landfill where all liquids can be collected.
Anyone with questions can contact Summerland Public Works.
Common Questions and Answer on the Summerland Landfill Compost Site
Can I bring food scraps directly to the Landfill for composting?
Not at this time. Only food scraps collected from residential homes in Summerland will be collected for composting. There is no infrastructure for commercial businesses or multi-family residents to bring food scraps directly to the landfill.
Can I bring in culled fruit or organic byproducts from wineries or breweries?
Yes. Agricultural culled fruit or vegetables and byproducts containing only fruit or grain are accepted for composting. Businesses and agriculturists can contact the District of Summerland on how they can bring these materials for composting.
Are there any other communities that can bring materials to this compost site?
No. Only materials from the District of Summerland that are already coming to the Landfill will be received. No other communities are bringing materials to the Summerland Landfill Compost Site.

What if there is a smell at my property?
The District of Summerland already tracks all odour concerns raised by the public. The District will be required to mitigate any issues, such as odour, caused by the compost site. Odour complaints can be sent to the District Public Works and Infrastructure Office at or call 250-494-0431.
Summerland Landfill
The Summerland Landfill has fully updated its Design, Operations and Closure Plan (DOCP). The DOCP provides the necessary direction for the District to properly manage all environmental, safety and financial concerns. Key components include:
- Expanded environmental monitoring including two new monitoring wells and one background well designed to bring water to site. The water will be used for composting, dust control and fire fighting.
- Progressive closure of the landfill to reduce liquids building up in unlined areas.
- New stormwater management infrastructure to protect the landfill from storms.
- All new garbage areas will be fully lined to collect all liquids for evaporation in a new leachate collection pond.
- Updated landfill gas assessments.
- The active life of the landfill has been extended to the year 2129.
For More Information
Please contact Summerland Works and Infrastructure for further information.