Your City Hall

Integrated Solar Project

Taking the three-pronged approach described below, The District will strengthen its existing utility resource, enhance the local economy and create jobs, increase energy security and independence, support innovation, and attract new residents and visitors, particularly young people and skilled tradespersons. Further, this project will form the basis for an integrated, long-term approach to sustainable energy management within The District, which will provide ongoing opportunities for job creation, community involvement, and partnerships with local businesses, schools, and not-for-profit groups.

The District’s multi-faceted approach to maximizing the utilization of our solar resources is:

  1. Create an affordable and easy-to-navigate pathway for residents to install solar technologies on their property

  2. Establish an energy efficiency program that provides resources and education to residents and businesses about sustainable energy use, and incentivizes them to save energy

  3. Build a detailed project plan for the development of District-owned solar energy generation resources in the most beneficial way(s) possible and prepare for implementation of the plan

Distributed Generation (Net Metering) Program 

Through our Distributed Generation Program, the District of Summerland allows customers with small (30kW or less), inverter–based, distributed generation systems that utilize a low carbon or renewable energy source such as solar or wind, to be connected to the Summerland Distribution System (Summerland’s electric grid).
Click Here for more information on Summerland's Distributed Generation Program.

Energy Efficiency 

Being more efficient with energy in the first place is the best way to maximize investments in renewables. This concept of saving energy rather than making it is sometimes called generating "Negawatts". The improvements made also often lead to lower bills as well as healthier and more comfortable buildings. 

The District of Summerland is committed to reducing our own energy use, and helping our residents and businesses to do the same. Visit our Climate Action webpage for more information on available resources and tips to help you be more energy efficient. 

District-Owned Solar Facilities

In 2018, The District of Summerland partnered with the Solar Now organization to install solar arrays on the Arts & Cultural Centre and Municipal Hall. Thanks to generous matching funding from the North Growth Foundation, these buildings will have a combined total of over 22 kW of solar panels, producing almost 30,000 kWh of power each year. 

To see how much energy is being produced by the panels in real time, click the links below:
Arts & Cultural Centre: Click Here
Municipal Hall: Click Here

The District also has a solar hot water installation on the Aquatic Centre that has been reducing natural gas use in that facility since 2010. 

Summerland’s Solar+Storage Project

Project Details

On November 14th 2023 the District of Summerland Mayor Holmes, Council, Staff and Provincial and Federal representatives and project contractors and sub-contractors celebrated the grand opening of the Summerland Energy Centre, formally known as the Solar and Storage Facility. 

In 2016, the District was successful in obtaining grant funding from the Province of British Columbia’s Rural Dividend Program ($100,000) which allowed the District to hire industry experts to provide analysis of the technical and financial feasibility of a local solar energy generation project and to assist with a review of possible locations.

In March 2018, Summerland conditionally received $6,000,000 in grant funding from the Canada Community Building Fund (formally known as the Federal Gas Tax Fund) in support of Summerland's Solar and Storage Facility. 

To read and access full project details (updated December 2023), please visit this page


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