Do I need to pay to use the service?
No, the service is completely free!
What if my address is not on the map?
If your address on the map, there is nothing to worry about. You can get a Properate home report and this data will be added to the map after that.
Why is my address not on the map?
The map pilot is only available for single family ‘part 9’ homes. If you have an apartment, mobile home, strata home or a home outside the Regional District boundary, you might not be on the map. Answering questions adds your data to the map and helps improve the quality of the service for the whole region.
What does an efficient building mean?
Any building that is heated or cooled uses energy. Some of this energy is lost through gaps in walls and equipment which does not operate at 100% and other factors. A building with minimum losses is efficient and maximum losses are inefficient.
Where does the data from the map come from?
We use various data sources of publicly available data such as BC Assessment and Cadastral databases to map and evaluate buildings. No personal or utility data is used.
How do you use my data in the future?
We use data gathered to increase the accuracy of our energy evaluations. For further information, please see the properate privacy policy.
What happens after my assessment?
As part of Properate's partnership with the RDOS, residents are able to book a free phone consultation with a certified building scientist.
Who is a building scientist and how can they help you?
A building scientist guides you through your home upgrade planning by identifying the issues and recommending solutions. This is a scientific process that is independent from any brands or products.
How to get the most out of your consultation?
Briefly describe the main heating cooling and energy issues in your home. State if you have done any home improvement work in the past. The consultant will need to understand your goals. For example, what issues are most important to you? Are you looking for more comfort, increasing your home’s value, maximizing your eligible rebates or reducing your carbon footprint? During the consultation, feel free to ask about renovation rebates available for your home and group rebates available in your neighbourhood.
What happens after the consultation?
Homeowners are free to proceed as they wish, with no obligation at all. Depending on your home and rebates available, we might recommend that you book an on-site energy evaluation by a registered energy advisor to provide you with more insights on-site.